Sunday, 11 March 2012

Entering into Blog world

Hi Everyone,
Well well well…I am entering into the blog world today and hoping that I would do well too, at least I would try to. This was one of the long pending tasks in my TODO list. Keeping thyself busy and being engrossed into something is one of biggest challenge I face since long. I was utilizing my free time to read and learn Microsoft Technologies mainly SharePoint (WSS 3.0, MOSS 2007, SharePoint 2010) and then, SSRS, WCF, WPF, Silverlight and recently Phone 7 development. Microsoft is so kind and focused to keep me busy that they keep on releasing new versions of SharePoint, .net frameworks etc, exposing new horizons to learn. Who else keep me busy….Bloggers…including my personal favorite SharePoint Gurus Waldek Mastykarz and Chris O’Brien …by writing so many blogs to flood my outlook rssfeeds. 

It is not like I am writing for the first time…I have written many personal blogs (instead I should say study material and personal diary) strictly kept with me. So what made me go public? Well, one fine day, my other hobby of teaching induced another stunning thought into me which is to write a book on SharePoint. The intent was to collate and cover all the basic SharePoint artifacts used in custom development at one place which would help me in teaching SharePoint to professionals. I started acting on it… decided the syllabus (strictly custom development)…written few chapters…created supporting code examples… even decided to whom the book should devote to (obviously to my inspirational role models)… :-) was feeling proud you know… but eventually I realized, it is taking too much time for me to make a good progress considering my other professional commitments. :-( So I chose another easy way out…writing blogs…and here I am…writing my first blog… this idea was pending long in my TODO list…getting some satisfaction bringing it into the factual world. I have not dropped idea of writing book as such…but would definitely give a second thought based on my blogging experience. If I complete the book, I have no intension to publish it as a hard copy, rather I would prefer distributing a soft copy (pdf version created through Word Automation Service) of the same…

I am not a techie guy….but would try to make sense in my technical blogs which would mainly focus on learning measures of SharePoint. My blogs would cover basic information on SharePoint artifacts which are frequently used in custom development…So what else can I say than your feedback/ comments will be welcomed and entertained… 

How can I write my first blog without thanking to my personal role models…You just cannot be forgotten :-) I am really fortunate and honored to have you in my life…Thanks for your support and guidance to shape up my professional as well as personal life. Thanks for being so inspirational and instrumental!

Planning to buy my first personal laptop next week…hopefully it would help me expedite learning and blogging…so look forward towards my next blog.

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